Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My passion

A 10-mile run makes everything that is not a 10-mile run feel extremely comfortable.


Saying goodbye doesn't mean a thing. It's the time we spent together that matters...not how we left it.

Our song

Never doubt the things we felt. Always know those feelings were ours and no one elses. These were our experiences and only our memories and no one or no thing can take them away. We own this. It is forever branded with the unity of us. A few precious moments in time where two became

Unique you...

This hole in my heart is in the shape of you. No one else can fit it. Why would I want them to? ? We are talking about you...beautiful beyond words and as original as a freshly falling snowflake.


Some lives form the perfect circle while others take shape in ways we cannot predict or always understand...Loss has been a part of my journey but it has also shown me what is precious and so has a love that I can only be grateful for.

ode to my woodland nymph

When you left my world to try out a bigger world, I fought my fears by telling myself you'll come back someday and by imagining the first thing I'll say to you when I see you again.